Collection: Anne Gros

Anne Gros took over her fathers (Francois) vineyard holdings in 1988 at the young age of 25, a position she took very seriously and applied this ethos for the adventure that lay ahead. That determination has lead her to where she is today,

Her remarkable wines arrived on our shelves only late last year. A range of wines I was very delighted to home and for good reason too. Simply put, she is one of Burgundy's top winemakers and has cultivated a cult like following. She has a passion and respect for the land from which the grapes come from, applying biodynamic and organic practises therby enhancing precious biodiversity.

Anne Gros crafts artisanal wines reflecting the terroir from which they come. While most famous for her wines from Burgundy, she also has a project in Minervois in the south of France, a collaboration with her husband Jean Paul Tollot, set up in 2010.

Only a small amount of her Burgundy wines arrive on our shores as you will see below, but the reds from Minervois are certainly more plentiful and still retain that elegant burgundian touch to them.

8 products